Wednesday, 25 February 2015

kaitiaki of the strem

This is my summary about kaitiaki stream !!!!!

There was a man called Pataka who was trying to get all of the rubbish out of the stream because all of the food was dying . Like Inanga, white bait, tuna, eels, koura, cray fish, & fresh water. There were three kid's that helped him out they helped him clean it and look at it too.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Te whakataetae kaukau

We went to the pool for swimming sports. I came 3rd and 4th. There were lots of kids there. I got dressed in to my cloths and went out side.After a wile we were walking back to school.My legs were really sore.It was really fun. My house colour was kahurangi.                                                                                                      

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Welcome to Matiu's blog

Ko Matiu toku ingoa. E iwa tau toku pakeke. I tenei tau, I'm looking forward to do maori games. i like playing roblox and minecarft and with my dog and going outside.