Wednesday, 21 October 2015


Image result for athleticsAthletics the hole year 4 people went to athletics there was high jump, long jump, shot put ,discus ,sprint, long dis dents and we went to Mr be.I got through to grey district with high jump and long jump i came 1st in high jump and i got 6th in long jump 

Monday, 19 October 2015

Country songs

Image result for country musicCountry songs. I went to a country music it stared at 6.00 and ended at 9.00 we had a picnic before we went in. it was in Barry town hall we first there was one person singing and  than she stared bring out the band it was so loud

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

the holiday

Image result for beachesIn the holiday the beach. Is peaceful like sitting by a waterfall the waves crash on the rock and makes a rattling sound.I love how i fell the sand Squash through my toes and the swimming in the salty water and being crushed by waves  

te matatini

Whaea michelle was driving a van and matua emille was too my dad wasn't a driver and terena and we meet whaea miellissa at te matatini.
We went in school van we stopped at arthurs pass.
Matatini was in Otautahi .
Te matatini was held in hagley park.
Te matatini is a kapa haka festival its held e

